Auto Skills
Revision as of 23:42, 28 January 2025 by Morsmallows (talk | contribs)
Auto Devotion (Beta)
Auto Devotion Commands
- Typing @autodevo will enable your character to automatically cast devotion skill to your party member/s (up to 5 maximum) and can also auto follow a certain party member of your choosing
- @autodevo(how many party members to cast devotion on - based on the party list) follow(which party member would you like to follow).
- @autodevo 1 follow 1 will automatically cast devotion and auto follow the 1st party member.
- @autodevo 3 follow 2 will automatically cast devotion on the first 3 members of the party and follow the 2nd party member.
Auto Devotion Point System
- Auto Devotion Ticket can be obtained from Donation Shop and WoE Shop
- Each Auto Devotion Ticket contains 600 Devotion Points.
- 1 point will be deducted for every minute on normal maps, 10 points for every minute on PVP, GVG, WoE, BG maps.