What Are Power Stones
Also known as Tier Stones. They are power stones which can be enchanted to your costume items and costume garment. They served as an additional stats bonuses per stone being enchanted which greatly helps the player.
NPC Name: Aver De Dosh
NPC location: veil 75 93
Embedding Chances
Please note that any failure occurred from T1 or T2, Power stone will be destroyed.
Tier 1 Stones - 80% Chance of success
Tier 2 Stones - 90% Chance of success
Tier 3 Stones - 100% Chance of success
Unique Power Stones - 100% Chance of success
Retrieving Stones
There is a removal fee for each transaction worth 75 MVP Coins.
Tier 1 Stones - 75% Chance of success
Tier 2 Stones - 75% Chance of success
Tier 3 Stones - 75% Chance of success
Unique Power Stones - 80% Chance of success
Power Stone Eater
These Eater can convert your power stone to points and you can use those points to roll a power stone.
You will be needing 10 Stone Points + 1 Mithril to buy a random Power Stone
Power Stone Conversion
Tier 1 Stones - 7 points
Tier 2 Stones - 9 points
Tier 2 Stones (Attack, Magic, Range, Critical, ASPD) - 10 points
NPC Name: Power Stone Eater
NPC location: veil 75 96
Tier 1 Power Stones
Tier 1 Power Stones
Item Name
Strength Stone T1
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. STR +2
Quality Power Stone Egg
Agility Stone T1
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. AGI +2
Quality Power Stone Egg
Vitality Stone T1
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. VIT +2
Quality Power Stone Egg
Intelligence Stone T1
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. INT +2
Quality Power Stone Egg
Dexterity Stone T1
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. DEX +2
Quality Power Stone Egg
Luck Stone T1
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. LUK +2
Quality Power Stone Egg
All Stat Stone T1
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. AllStat +1
Quality Power Stone Egg
Tier 2 Power Stones
Tier 2 Power Stones
Item Name
Strength Stone T2
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. STR +2
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Agility Stone T2
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. AGI +2
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Vitality Stone T2
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. VIT +2
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Intelligence Stone T2
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. INT +2
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Dexterity Stone T2
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. DEX +2
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Luck Stone T2
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. LUK +2
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
All Stat Stone T2
A stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. AllStat +1
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Attack Stone T2
A magical stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to costumes. ATK +15 ATK +1%
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Magic Stone T2
A magical stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to costumes. MATK +15 MATK +1%
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
ASPD Stone T2
A magical stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to costumes. ASPD +1 Flee +20
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Critical Stone T2
A magical stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to costumes. Critical +4 Critical Damage +1%
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Range Stone T2
A magical stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to costumes. ATK +15 Longrange Attack +1%
Quality Power Stone Egg HQ Power Stone
Tier 3 Power Stones
Note : Mythical Stones can only be purchased from the Donation NPC for 5 Aruna Donator Token per stone.
Tier 3 Power Stones
Item Name
Sun Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. ATK+1% ATK+15 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Sky Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. MATK+1% MATK+15 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Clear Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. CRIT Damage+1% ATK+15 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Red Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. Strength +3, Mdef +1 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Blue Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. Intelligence +3, Mdef +2 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Green Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. Agility +2, ASPD +1 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Yellow Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. Vitality +2, MaxHP +3% Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Violet Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. Allstats +2 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Gold Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. Luk +2 Perfect Dodge +2 Flee +10 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Pink Mythical Stone T3
A ancient stone filled with power.
Gives below stats to Costumes. Dexterity +3 Hit +30 Reduce Damage from Demi Humans by 1%. Movement Speed +2%.
Donation NPC
Unique Power Gemstones
Note : Unique Power Gemstones can also be purchased from the Donation NPC for 10 Aruna Donator Token per stone.
For Quest : You can visit the Mall and submit the requirements to Strong Butete NPC.

NPC location : mall01 116 140
Unique Power Gemstones
Item Name
Unique Power Gem Red
A unique gem that is said to contain immense powers.
[Str +1] per refine Refine Level +11: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +12: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +13: Increase Damage resistance by +4%. Bring this to [Aver De Dosh] in Veil 75 93 to embed it on your costume. Location: Shadow Weapon Gem Slot Type: Gemstone Rarity: Unique
Unique Power Gem Silver - ID#50939
Strong Butete NPC Donation NPC
Gemstone - ID#7300
Fragmented Mythical Stone T3 - ID#50269
Champion Boss Seal - ID#50586
Dragon Reverse Scale - ID#50281
Aro Stone of Sage - ID#36052
Will of Red Darkness - ID#7566
HQ Power Stone Egg - ID#50273
Unique Power Gem Purple
A unique gem that is said to contain immense powers.
[Agi +1] per refine Refine Level +11: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +12: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +13: Increase Damage resistance by +4%. Bring this to [Aver De Dosh] in Veil 75 93 to embed it on your costume. Location: Shadow Weapon Gem Slot Type: Gemstone Rarity: Unique
Unique Power Gem Silver - ID#50939
Strong Butete NPC Donation NPC
Gemstone - ID#7300
Fragmented Mythical Stone T3 - ID#50269
Champion Boss Seal - ID#50586
Dragon Reverse Scale - ID#50281
Aro Stone of Sage - ID#36052
Will of Red Darkness - ID#7566
HQ Power Stone Egg - ID#50273
Unique Power Gem Gold
A unique gem that is said to contain immense powers.
[Vit +1] per refine Refine Level +11: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +12: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +13: Increase Damage resistance by +4%. Bring this to [Aver De Dosh] in Veil 75 93 to embed it on your costume. Location: Shadow Weapon Gem Slot Type: Gemstone Rarity: Unique
Unique Power Gem Silver - ID#50939
Strong Butete NPC Donation NPC
Gemstone - ID#7300
Fragmented Mythical Stone T3 - ID#50269
Champion Boss Seal - ID#50586
Dragon Reverse Scale - ID#50281
Aro Stone of Sage - ID#36052
Will of Red Darkness - ID#7566
HQ Power Stone Egg - ID#50273
Unique Power Gem Blue
A unique gem that is said to contain immense powers.
[Int +1] per refine Refine Level +11: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +12: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +13: Increase Damage resistance by +4%. Bring this to [Aver De Dosh] in Veil 75 93 to embed it on your costume. Location: Shadow Weapon Gem Slot Type: Gemstone Rarity: Unique
Unique Power Gem Silver - ID#50939
Strong Butete NPC Donation NPC
Gemstone - ID#7300
Fragmented Mythical Stone T3 - ID#50269
Champion Boss Seal - ID#50586
Dragon Reverse Scale - ID#50281
Aro Stone of Sage - ID#36052
Will of Red Darkness - ID#7566
HQ Power Stone Egg - ID#50273
Unique Power Gem Green
A unique gem that is said to contain immense powers.
[Dex +1] per refine Refine Level +11: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +12: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +13: Increase Damage resistance by +4%. Bring this to [Aver De Dosh] in Veil 75 93 to embed it on your costume. Location: Shadow Weapon Gem Slot Type: Gemstone Rarity: Unique
Unique Power Gem Silver - ID#50939
Strong Butete NPC Donation NPC
Gemstone - ID#7300
Fragmented Mythical Stone T3 - ID#50269
Champion Boss Seal - ID#50586
Dragon Reverse Scale - ID#50281
Aro Stone of Sage - ID#36052
Will of Red Darkness - ID#7566
HQ Power Stone Egg - ID#50273
Unique Power Gem Black
A unique gem that is said to contain immense powers.
[Luk +1] per refine Refine Level +11: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +12: Increase Damage resistance by +3%. Refine Level +13: Increase Damage resistance by +4%. Bring this to [Aver De Dosh] in Veil 75 93 to embed it on your costume. Location: Shadow Weapon Gem Slot Type: Gemstone Rarity: Unique
Unique Power Gem Silver - ID#50939
Strong Butete NPC Donation NPC
Gemstone - ID#7300
Fragmented Mythical Stone T3 - ID#50269
Champion Boss Seal - ID#50586
Dragon Reverse Scale - ID#50281
Aro Stone of Sage - ID#36052
Will of Red Darkness - ID#7566
HQ Power Stone Egg - ID#50273
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