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Job Base(s): Acolyte
Job Type: 2-1
Job Level: 50
Race: Human
Number of Skills: 34
Total Skill Points: 198
Total Quest Skills: 2
Job Bonuses
+5 +4 +5 +5 +4 +7










Once Acolytes have undergone rigorous spiritual training and have served the Church and the community as a whole, they have the opportunity to be promoted within the ranks of the Church. If the Monk is said to train their body to fight evil and the Undead physically, the Priest does so with magic. As their spiritual journey brings them closer to God, they gain advanced skills in healing as well as new ways to assist their allies and harm their foes. They are able to resurrect fallen comrades, protect them from harm, and bless their weapons. They can create spaces of safe haven where the Undead cannot penetrate and can decimate hordes of Undead with ease.

Most Priests find themselves in company more often than not, typically giving up their offensive abilities in order to further support those they travel with. Even though Priests are typically not on the front lines of battle, they need to be constantly aware of their surroundings and their companions. A Priest that fails to pay attention can cause problems for themselves and their friends. Priests must be able to focus on the situation at hand and also be able to multitask with little difficulty in order to assure their party stays alive.

Class Data


See Acolyte Skills for first class Skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
Aspersio Temporarily enchant a target's weapon with the Holy property for 60~180 seconds. Requires a Holy Water. 5 Supportive
B.S Sacramenti Temporarily enchant a target's armor with the Holy property for 40~200 seconds. 5 Supportive
Gloria Temporarily increase the luck of all nearby party members by 30 for 10~30 seconds. 5 Supportive
Impositio Manus Temporarily increase a target's attack power by 5~25 for 60 seconds. 5 Supportive
Increase SP Recovery Recover 3~30 SP + 0.2~2.0% of Maximum SP every 10 seconds when not moving. Also increases efficiency of SP-restoring items consumed or thrown by an Alchemist by 10~100%. 10 Passive
Kyrie Eleison Create a barrier around a target player protecting them from physical attacks. (120 seconds, up to 12~30% of maximum HP or 5~10 hits) 10 Supportive
Lex Aeterna Doubles the damage of the next attack against the target. 1 Supportive
Lex Divina Silences the target for 30~60 seconds. 10 Supportive
Mace Mastery Increases damage done with Maces by 3~30. 10 Passive
Magnificat Doubles the HP and SP regeneration rate of all nearby party members for 30~90 seconds. 5 Supportive
Magnus Exorcismus Summons a holy cross on the ground that lasts 5~14 seconds, damaging all Demon race and Undead element monsters 1~10 MATK×1 hits at 3-second intervals. Requires a Blue Gemstone. 10 Offensive
Resurrection Resurrects a dead player with 10~80% health. Requires a Blue Gemstone. 4 Supportive
Safety Wall Create a pillar on a cell that protects whoever stands in it from 2~11 melee attacks, for up to 5~50 seconds. Requires a Blue Gemstone. 10 Supportive
Sanctuary Enchants the ground with restorative powers for 4~31 seconds, healing up to 4~13 players which stand in it by 100~777 health. Requires a Blue Gemstone. 10 Supportive
Slow Poison Halts the HP draining effects of Poison for 10~40 seconds. 4 Supportive
Status Recovery Cures the target from Frozen, Stoned and Stun status effects. 1 Supportive
Suffragium Reduces the cast time of the next spell the target player attempts to cast by 15~45%. Cannot self-target. 3 Supportive
Turn Undead Damanges Undead element monsters by (base level + INT + 10~100), with a 2~20% + (base level + INT + LUK) * 0.1% chance to instantly kill them. 10 Offensive

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type Job Level
Redemptio Resurrects all nearby party members with half HP. 1 Supportive 40 All IN ONE SHOP


Job Bonuses

The levels at which a Priest receives a certain bonus.

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7
STR 4 11 17 27 35    
AGI 6 29 37 48      
VIT 7 14 34 36 45    
INT 8 9 22 42 43    
DEX 16 20 25 32      
LUK 1 3 10 21 31 39 50


Weapon Base ASPD Base Delay
Unarmed 160 400
Book 140 600
Mace 140 600
Rod 140 600
Knuckle 0 2000