TaeKwon Master

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TaeKwon Master
Job Base(s): TaeKwon Kid
Job Type: Extended
Job Level: 120
Race: Human
Number of Skills: 18
Total Skill Points: 74
Total Quest Skills: 0
Job Bonuses
+12 +12 +0 +0 +0 +0










TaeKwon Master (Alt: Star Gladiator) is a class for characters who have chosen TaeKwon Kid as their first profession and wish to continue in the ways of the TaeKwon. One of the most notable benefits that a TaeKwon Master has over a TaeKwon Kid is the ability to wield books to help deal more damage physically. TaeKwon Master is an unusual class in that the majority of their skills are bound to the celestial bodies of the Sun (Solar), Moon (Lunar) and Stars (Stellar), and are very restricted in their use. These skills have three different restrictions in which they can be used, and are as follows:

  • Certain skills can only be used on a day of their respective celestial body
  • Some skills can only be used on maps that are designated as a place of a celestial body
  • Other skills can only be used against enemies that are aligned as an enemy of a celestial body

The first restriction is unlike the latter two in that a TaeKwon master cannot change what day is representative of a celestial body; these days are already set. The setting for these celestial days is told in the mantra as follows:

The Sun shines brightest on even days. The Moon shines brightest on odd days. And the Stars shine without fail on every 5th day.

The second and third restriction can be set personally for each individual TaeKwon Master via their respective skills: Solar, Lunar and Stellar Perception and Solar, Lunar and Stellar Opposition.

However, there are also skills that are also bound by more than one restriction.

TaeKwon Masters are also known as Star Gladiators in other localizations of Ragnarok Online, which reflects the way how the skills of this class works.

If a TaeKwon Master ever finds the TaeKwon Master skill tree too confusing, a TaeKwon Master can always invest more skill points into the TaeKwon Kid skills, or observe the skills that are not restricted by the celestial bodies.

Class Data


Skill Description Levels Type
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Perception Permanently memorize a map as being a Place of either the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars. 3 Active
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Opposition Permanently memorize a monster or player class as being a Target of either the Sun, the Moon, or the Stars. 3 Active
Solar Heat

Lunar Heat Stellar Heat

Barrier, which deals damage and pushes back enemies nearby.

Can only be used in corresponding SLS Place.

3 Active
Solar Wrath

Lunar Wrath Stellar Wrath

Bonus attack power against corresponding SLS (Solar/Lunar/Stellar) Target proportionally to level, DEX and LUK. 3 Passive
Solar Protection Increases VIT DEF proportionally to level, DEX and LUK.

Can only be used in a Place of the Sun on a Solar Day.

4 Active
Lunar Protection Increases Flee proportionally to level, DEX and LUK.

Can only be used in a Place of the Moon on a Lunar Day.

4 Active
Stellar Protection Increases ASPD proportionally to level, DEX and LUK.

Can only be used in a Place of the Stars on a Stellar Day.

4 Active
Solar Blessings

Lunar Blessings Stellar Blessings

Bonus EXP for corresponding SLS Target on corresponding SLS Day. 5 Passive
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Shadow Permanently sacrifice sight in return for increasing ASPD. 10 Passive
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Team-up When using Counter Kick, any Monks in the party will have their chance of using Raging Trifecta Blow increased. If any Monks in the party use Raging Thrust, player's chance of using Counter Kick increases. 3 Passive
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Courier Increases carry capacity when logging in a SLS Place. 10 Passive
Solar, Lunar and Stellar Union Fly off the ground, increase movement speed, attacks never miss and ignore DEF. HP is lost with every attack. Needs Fist Master Spirit to use, and deactivates spirit mode when used. 1 Active
The TKM Skill Tree. Click to enlarge.

Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12
STR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
AGI 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
DEX 20 21 22 23 24 25            


Equip Attack Speed From TaeKwon Kid
Bare Handed 156 0
Shield -6 0
Book -10 N/A
ASPD Potions Usable


Level HP
1 40
2 47
3 55
4 64
5 74
6 84
7 95
8 107
9 120
10 134
11 149
12 165
13 182
14 200
15 219
16 238
17 258
18 306
19 329
20 354
Level HP
21 379
22 406
23 433
24 462
25 491
26 521
27 551
28 583
29 615
30 649
31 683
32 719
33 755
34 793
35 831
36 870
37 909
38 950
39 991
40 1,034
Level HP
41 1,077
42 1,122
43 1,167
44 1,214
45 1,261
46 1,309
47 1,357
48 1,407
49 1,457
50 1,509
51 1,561
52 1,615
53 1,669
54 1,725
55 1,781
56 1,838
57 1,895
58 1,954
59 2,013
60 2,074
Level HP
61 2,135
62 2,198
63 2,261
64 2,326
65 2,391
66 2,457
67 2,523
68 2,591
69 2,659
70 2,670
71 2,680
72 2,690
73 2,700
74 2,710
75 2,720
76 2,730
77 2,740
78 2,750
79 2,760
80 3,000
Level HP
81 3,020
82 3,040
83 3,060
84 3,080
85 3,100
86 3,120
87 3,140
88 3,160
89 3,180
90 3,455
91 3,524
92 3,593
93 3,663
94 3,834
95 3,806
96 3,878
97 3,951
98 4,025
99 4,500


All TKM's have the ability to zoom out farther than other classes while sitting down. Simply sit down and zoom out to see. (5x more zooming out)

Level Up Angel

Taekwon Kids, Taekwon Masters and Soul Linkers share a unique level up angel that provides the following bonuses when a new base level is reached:

  • Blessing Level 10 (10 minutes)
  • Increase AGI Level 10 (10 minutes)

Resetting your places of the Sun/Moon/Stars

TaeKwon Masters can reset maps designated as Places of the Sun/Moon/Stars. The TaeKwon Master must be sitting beside another TaeKwon class (Soul Linker, TaeKwon Kid or another TaeKwon Master) and be regenerating HP (that is, your HP must not be full). It is speculated that being in Happy Mode is also required. Spamming the /doridori emote repeatedly is not necessary, but it is needed to enter Happy Mode. You can tell that you are in Happy Mode because you regenerate an additional +3 SP over the regular Happy Break effects. The chance to reset the maps occurs every 10 seconds (on each Peaceful Break HP tick). In order to ensure that you are continually regenerating HP, you can switch an HP-increasing item on and off, or use something which drains HP, like a rideword hat, combined with low HP regeneration. The chance of the reset occurring is very low, sometimes taking many hours or days to be successful.

Solar, Lunar, and Stellar Miracle

As the Taekwon Master wanders the land and gazes at the sky, a blessing unlike any other may be endowed upon him. Solar, Lunar, and Stellar Miracle will grant the Taekwon Master the ability to use all Solar, Lunar, and Stellar-aligned skills on any map on any day of the week. The moon will eclipse the sun and the stars will shine brightly, making the world around the Taekwon Master go dark (the effect is similar to the darkness caused by a Soul Link). This means offensive and supporting skills are stacked as well. The effect lasts for one hour and disappears if the player logs off or switches maps.

Every instance of damage inflicted by TaeKwon Master has a very slim chance to trigger Solar, Lunar, and Stellar Miracle.

  • Miracle lasts one hour.
  • Miracle will disappear if player travels to a map on a different server, Magnificat behaves the same way and can be used to check if maps are on the same server.
  • During Miracle, all enemies become target of Stellar Wrath and Stellar Blessings.
  • During Miracle, all Heat and Protection skills will be enabled.
  • Miracle is not lost upon death but teleporting back to Save Point may remove it due to different map server.