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Job Base(s): Mage
Job Type: 2-2
Job Level: 50
Race: Human
Number of Skills: 20
Total Skill Points: 116
Total Quest Skills: 2
Job Bonuses
+5 +5 +3 +9 +5 +3










Sages are a PvP-oriented class with the role of caster/anti-Mage. They do not have the offensive abilities of a Wizard, but are a slightly buffed version of Mage with their Free Casting. Sages shine in their defensive abilities, with many builds centered around Magnetic Earth. Dispell is also a popular and sought-after spell which is useful for removing buffs from the enemy. Many of their skills can only realistically be used in PvP, making PvM quite difficult, particularly for VIT/DEX builds that have difficulty solo levelling. Battle sages are a 'for fun' build which can become a powerful leveling build only if matched with a Soul Linker.


Class Data


See Mage Skills for first class skills.

Skill Description Levels Type
Cast Cancel Cancel the casting of your skill and regain some of the SP. 5 Active
Deluge Use a Blue Gemstone to create a 7x7 area of water on the ground. 5 Active
Dispell Use a Yellow Gemstone to remove all buffs from the target, with several exceptions. 5 Active
Dragonology Increases INT up to 3, and increases ATK and MATK versus Dragon-race enemies. 5 Passive
Earth Spike Attack a target for up to 500% Earth-element damage. 5 Offensive
Endow Blaze Use a Scarlet Point to endow a party member's weapon with the Fire-element. 5 Supportive
Endow Quake Use a Lime Green Point to endow a party member's weapon with the Earth-element. 5 Supportive
Endow Tornado Use a Yellow Wish Point to endow a party member's weapon with the Wind-element. 5 Supportive
Endow Tsunami Use a Indigo Point to endow a party member's weapon with the Water-element. 5 Supportive
Free Cast Allows you to walk and attack while casting spells. 10 Passive
Heaven's Drive Earth-element AoE attack dealing up to 500% MATK to targets in a 5*5 area. 5 Offensive
Hindsight Allows the Sage to choose a skill from a short list and autocast that skill when physically attacking. 10 Active
Hocus-pocus Use 2 Yellow Gemstones to invoke a random non-Transcendent skill, or one of a few Hocus Pocus-specific effects. 10 Active
Magic Rod Absorb a single-target skill that is targeting you, negating its damage and giving you SP. 5 Active
Magnetic Earth Use a Blue Gemstone and Yellow Gemstone to create an area that cancels ground-targeting spells. 5 Active
Sense Reveal basic information about the target monster. 1 Active
Spell Breaker Cancel the skill that the target is currently casting and absorb it as SP. 5 Active
Study Adds +3 ATK and +0.5% ASPD per skill level to Book weapons. 5 Passive
Volcano Use a Blue Gemstone to create a 7x7 area of fire on the ground. 5 Active
Whirlwind Use a Blue Gemstone to create a 7x7 area of wind on the ground. 5 Active

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type Job Level
Create Elemental Converter Allows the Sage to create Elemental Converters, which can be used for short term endows. 1 Active None Create Elemental Converter Quest
Elemental Change Uses an Elemental Converter to permanently change the element of a monster. 1 Active 40 Elemental Change Quest


Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9
STR 42 44 46 47 48        
AGI 3 6 13 22 33        
VIT 4 11 18            
INT 1 8 15 24 30 37 38 45 50
DEX 20 25 27 32 39        
LUK 17 35 40            


Equip Attack Speed From Mage
Bare Handed 151 +5
Shield -10 0
Dagger -8 −8
Rod (One Handed) -10 −5
Rod (Two Handed) -10 −5
Book +2 N/A
ASPD Potions Usable