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Job Base(s): Archer
Job Type: 2-2
Job Level: 50
Race: Human
Number of Skills: 18
Total Skill Points: 91
Total Quest Skills: 1
Job Bonuses
+2 +7 +3 +5 +9 +4







After a life of plucking their bows, many Archers feel the itch to strum strings of a different kind. The Bards of Ragnarok Online are the right choice for the idealists among Archers who wish to change the world with their poetry.

The voice of a Bard is laden with magical harmonies, singing hymns that invoke the ancient Gods of Asgard to instill fear in the hearts of his enemies and inspire his comrades to victory with songs of eternal youth and glorious charges. Where their female counterparts, the Dancers, are more bent on disruption, Bards specialize in support, which make them central in all defensive strategies during the War of Emperium.

Supporting with a Bard or Dancer requires a different approach than other classes. Music-based buffs are mostly percentual values, as opposed to the absolute values of Priest buffs, and require careful strategy and positioning, but playing as an Archer should already provide some experience in this respect. Despite their supportive role, one should not forget that Bards are also capable of dealing good quantities of damage, one of their main advantages over Hunters is their immense SP pool which allows them to continually use Double Strafe instead of normal attacks, ensuring a very nice damage output.

In general, there are 2 types of skills for both Dancers and a Bards; skills which can be sung or danced without a partner of the opposite gender and those where the player needs another Bard or Dancer respectively.

As a Bard, only Instruments, Daggers, and Bows are available for weapons, whereas Dancers can use Whips instead of Instruments.

  • When armed with an Instrument:
    • Bow skills (Double Strafe, Arrow Shower, Arrow Repel) cannot be used
    • Performance Skills, as well as Amp and Encore are available
    • Instrument skills (Melody Strike) can be used

Unbarring Octave and Pang Voice are usable regardless of weapons.

Class Data


See Archer Skills for first class skills.

Solo Skills

Skill Description Levels Type
Amp Reduces SP cost of performances, ensembles, and dances by 20% for 3 minutes. Can be used in conjunction with Encore. 1 Active
Encore Recast the last Performance Skill that was cast at half of the SP cost. 1 Active
Impressive Riff Increases ASPD of party members in the 31x31 area of effect. 10 Active
Magic Strings Reduces Cast Time and Cast Delay of skills used by party members inside the 31x31 area of effect. 10 Active
Melody Strike Use an instrument-class weapon to do ranged damage to a single target. 5 Offensive
Music Lessons Increases damage and ASPD with Instruments. Increases Movement Speed while singing. Also increases Max SP. 10 Passive
Perfect Tablature Raises Flee Rate and Perfect Dodge of party members in the 31x31 area of effect. 10 Active
Song of Lutie Increases the Max HP and incoming recovery rate of party members in the area of effect. 10 Active
Unbarring Octave Freeze monsters and party members within caster's view by chance. 5 Active
Unchained Serenade Deals Neutral property magic damage to all enemies within 9x9 cells around the user. 5 Offensive

Ensemble Skills

Ensemble skills can only be performed when a Bard and Dancer are in the same party and standing beside each other. When an Ensemble skill is performed by a Bard and Dancer, the lower level of Acoustic Rhythm is performed. (i.e. when a Bard that has learned Acoustic Rhythm Lv.5 performs the skill with a Dancer that has only learned Acoustic Rhythm Lv.3, the Bard and Dancer will perform Acoutic Rhythm Lv.3)

Skill Description Levels Type
Acoustic Rhythm Increases resistance against some Elements (Fire, Wind, Water, and Earth) and some Status Effects of party members within the 31x31 area of influence. 5 Active
Battle Theme Party members within this skill's 31x31 area will have increased ATK and DEF for the skill's duration. 5 Active
Classical Pluck Casts a 9x9 area around the caster that will inflict confusion and disables all skills. 1 Active
Down Tempo Performs an ensemble that will reduces defense of enemies within 9x9 cells around the user to 0. 1 Active
Harmonic Lick Performs an ensemble that will grants random buff to the user and nearby party members within 31x31 cells around the user. 5 Supportive
Lullaby Sing a dreamy song to put enemies in a 9x9 area to sleep. 1 Active
Mental Sensing Increases the EXP earned from monsters killed in the affected 31x31 area. 5 Active
Power Cord Cast a 31x31 cell area around the casters that nullifies item costs for most skills. 1 Active

Quest Skills

Skill Description Levels Type Job Level
Pang Voice The Bard screams out at a single target, attempting to inflict Chaos status effect. 1 Active 40 Pang Voice Quest

Soul Link

See Bard and Dancer Spirits.

Skill Description Levels Type
Slow Grace (If level 10 Impressive Riff is learned) Decrease attack and movement speed of all enemies within the 9x9 area of effect. 10 Active
Lady Luck (If level 10 Magic Strings is learned) Improves CRIT rate and critical damage of party members within the 31x31 area of effect. 10 Active
Focus Ballet (If level 10 Perfect Tablature is learned) Improves HIT of party members within the 31x31 area of effect. 10 Active
Gypsy's Kiss (If level 10 Song of Lutie is learned) Increase max SP and reducing the SP cost of party members within the 31x31 area of effect. 10 Active

Unimplemented Skills

Skill Description Levels Type
Ragnarok Randomly casts spells in the area of effect for 60 seconds. Unknown Offensive


Job Bonuses

Stat\Amount +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8
STR 3 28            
AGI 2 10 11 24 30 35 48  
VIT 17 33 43          
INT 5 13 21 40 47      
DEX 7 15 16 19 32 38 46 50
LUK 6 9 20 41        


Equip Attack Speed From Archer
Bare Handed 156 0
Shield -7 +2
Dagger -13 +2
Bow -8 +2
Instrument -5 N/A
ASPD Potions Usable