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Everything posted by Salvacion

  1. IGN : Salvacion Discord: Salvacion#0001 Unique ID: 177969485
  2. Salvacion


    We are a collection of unidentified individuals who commit our time, expertise, and energy to serving the community and continuously maintaining the economy's equilibrium. Salvacion, formerly known as __________, founded Sovereignty in 2008. This is the first time the Guild has made itself known to the general public. The Monarch (Salvacion), who makes the final decision on whether a particular person can join the guild, carefully chooses each guild member after carefully observing them for a considerable amount of time. Members of Sovereignty will enjoy great wealth and have the ability to easily disrupt the entire economy if they so choose to; by which will never happen as long as The Monarch is in charge. Integrity, honesty, gratitude, and constancy are things we appreciate. The goal of Sovereignty is to provide and improve everyone, not just ourselves. The betterment of everyone produces valuable people who share our joy and reduces the toxicity of others. The Monarch known as Salvacion is never alone nor one person. We are everywhere, we are you. Understanding of Server Rules. We do not tolerate an incompetent individual who excuses his wrong doings with "I didn't know." Active Player of Arunafeltz RO. Without excessive reliance on our assistance, we anticipate that you will be able to gear yourself. We discourage spoon-feeding. In-game & Arunafeltz Discord Helper. We provide as much assistance as we can to newcomers and gamers who might be short on game-specific knowledge. Discord Account We highly suggest you to have one, if not, register here. Screenshot of Unique ID (Uncropped Client Print Screen) NPC Location: @warp veil 123 88 Aruna Tokens & Aruna Credit Wealth (How much you possess: Title Distribution) The Duke (Duchess), The Marques (Marchioness), The Earl (Countess), The Viscount (Viscountess), The Lord (Lady). IGN/s: Name or Nickname: Time zone: Discord Tag: TO BE ANNOUNCED.
  3. Let's go farmers! RIP MITHRIL SUPPORTER BADGE ? ahaha
  4. Thank you for the awesome tweak, @Goldfinger! What's your IGN? I'm sending gifts!
  5. Hello there, Are you drowning in doubt about someone using NDL? ("No Delay Ldanslidjiqwj" don't ask me what it means, I don't know either. Can someone enlighten me, please? thanks). *ehem* Anyway, if you have the budget to spend some in-game currency and spam the legal way instead of buying some program to boost your ego when everyone knows you're nothing without your NDL program, you're in the right place. Today, I will be showing you what our Soul Link Scrolls are capable of but first: Step 1: Get Zeny Rich (Gold Room Points) Check out my Newbie Friendly HW Gold Room Farming Guide and make your life a little bit easier. Step 2: Spend Gold Room Points Gold Room NPC is located at: @warp veil 142 104 Buy Mithril, Gold, or Bronze Coin from Gold Room NPC and exchange them to Coin > Zeny using our Coin Exchanger located at: @warp veil 157 103 Step 3: Buy Soul Link Scroll This will cost you 500,000z or 380,000z with Level 10 Discount. In about 20 seconds, you'll be burning 50-70 scrolls, bare that in mind. Or not, cause you're rich! START FARMING THE GOLD ROOM (x3 POINTS & x2 MOBS INSIDE GOLD ROOM EVENT) Step 4: LEGALLY SPAM YOUR WAY TO THE TOP. Here are some ideas on where you can use this Animation Cancellation from using Soul Linker Scroll: 2022-07-12-11-39-15.mp4 2022-07-12-11-39-47.mp4 2022-07-12-11-43-03.mp4 2022-07-12-11-45-24.mp4 2022-07-12-11-47-19.mp4 2022-07-12-11-51-11.mp4 2022-07-12-11-54-03.mp4 Bonus Tip: Summer Suit v1, v2, and Wedding Suit = Last Clip.
  6. Step 0: Caress & whisper positive things to our mighty Cap Claw Machine. ღ(U꒳Uღ) Step 1: Check Weight Limit My Whitesmith can handle (14,020) weight capacity. Step 2: Purchase Phracon from Tool Dealer (Most Important Part) Phracon weighs 20 per piece and only cost 200 (152 if bought with Level 10 Overcharge Skill). Tool Dealer Location: @warp veil 149 112 (Blacksmith Tools) Step 3: 2 Billion Zeny Max zeny capacity per character (This is equivalent to 2 mithril coins (MC) or 20 gold coins (GC) or 200 bronze coins (BC)) You can farm points in our Gold Room which is located at @warp veil 142 104 (My Newbie HW Gold Room + Macro Guide) You can then speak to the same NPC and exchange them for these items After that, you can then exchange the coins with our Coin Exchanger NPC located at: @warp veil 157 103 You can also stack 2 Billion Zeny in your Zeny Storage (Ctrl + B) which are shared by all your characters. Step 4: Max Out Your Weight Limit. The caps which you will be farming with our Cap Claw Machine weighs nothing which means if ever you do get lucky and pulls out a cap, it will automatically be in your inventory. Whilst the assorted dolls as consolation prize for spending 250,000z per claw game will automatically be dropped due to you being overweight (not fat, obviously). If you do experience lag whilst doing this method (due to items on the floor piling up), please use @packetfilter drops --anything you drop from here on out, will not be visible on your screen. Bonus Step: Automated Enter Key. Download AutoHotKey from their website If you have been to my Newbie HW Guide, I will be using the same scripts and only modifying some lines to cater to our Cap Claw Machine.ahk #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ; If the script is not elevated, relaunch as administrator and kill current instance: full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try ; leads to having the script re-launching itself as administrator { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart else Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ExitApp } #MaxThreadsperHotkey, 2 `::Pause ;--------------------- PAUSE HOTKEY -------------------- ~NumpadMult:: ;----------- FOR CAP CLAW MACHINE/DOMENG ------------------ Previouskey:= !PreviousKey loop { if PreviousKey { sleep, 10 send, {Enter} sleep, 20 send, {Enter} sleep, 30 send, {Enter} Sleep, 40 send, {Enter} sleep, 50 } else break } return !5::Edit !4::Reload This will allow you to have the same function as pressing one button for it to automatically run, but please be sure to check your zeny every now and then. Press the [-] or [*] key on your Numpad. -- It's basically a toggle [ON and OFF] button, and the rest is history. You'll be spamming the "Enter Key" nonstop without hold press/pressing anything else. I have no data of how long 2 billion zeny will last with the automated enter key macro but I do know that you'll be obtaining most probably no less than 20 caps per 2 billion zeny. But Salvacion, what's the cap used for? It is used for Brok - Quest Shop located at: @warp veil 87 127 2 pieces per set of caps can be turned into Costume Garments by selecting [Costumes] within his services. OR sell the caps to players for 3 Aruna Credits per piece. You can then exchange Aruna Credit to Mithril Coin at our Central Exchange NPC located at: @warp veil 145 101 for 3:1. If you calculate that, 2 Mithril = 6 Aruna Credits (20+ Caps) = Profit. Rinse and Repeat. OR simply use the caps as your costume upper headgear. ==================== Anyways, enjoy & may the odds be ever in your favour.
  7. Looking forward to the Champ vs Champ Event! & what a great way to revamp Lord Knight's spear-type meta. Good job, Boss Dev! and thank you!
  8. This build does not need potions (Unlimited SP due to Footgear card) nor fly wings (Teleport Skill due to Accessory card). AFK Farming.mp4 HEADGEAR===== [Top Headgear] Angelic Valkyrie Helm [1] (Pharaoh Card) Pharaoh Card can be farmed at: @warp pvp_n_5-5 or (6-5, 7-5, 8-5) [Middle Headgear] Any [1] (Kiel Card) Kiel D-01 Card can be farmed at: @warp kh_dun02 [Lower Headgear] Orbs of Survival EQUIPMENT===== [Armour] Angelic Valkyrie Armor [1] (Any card) [Weapon] Kiel's Staff [4] (Doppelganger Card, Any, Any, Any) Doppelganger Card can be farmed at: @warp pvp_n_4-4 or (5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4) [Shield] Angelic Valkyrie Shield [1] (Any card) [Manteau] Angelic Valkyrie Manteau [1] (Any card) [Footgear] Angelic Valkyrie Shoes [1] (General Egnigem Cenia Card) General Egnigem Cenia Card can be farmed at: @warp lhz_dun02 [Accessory] Charm of Magic [1] (Creamy Card) Creamy Card can be farmed at: @warp gef_fild13 STATS===== [Str] 213 (Weight Limit) [Agi] 1 [Vit] 1 [Int] 255 (Magic Damage) [Dex] 150 (Instant Cast) [Luk] 1 USEFUL @COMMANDS===== !ping (Checks your ping, the lower it is, the less lag you have) @packetfilter attack (Hides damages resulting to less lag) WITHOUT @PACKETFILTER ATTACK WITH @PACKETFILTER ATTACK @packetfilter drops (Hides dropped items on the ground resulting to less lag) @packetfilter useitems (Hides the effect when someone uses a consumable item) @battlestats (To see what's your current reduce skill delay rate is and other stats) AUTOHOTKEY===== Step 1: Download & Install AutoHotKey. Step 2: Open Notepad or Notepad++ Copy and paste this code & save it as "AFK Aruna Gold Room 1.ahk" #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. ; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. ; If the script is not elevated, relaunch as administrator and kill current instance: full_command_line := DllCall("GetCommandLine", "str") if not (A_IsAdmin or RegExMatch(full_command_line, " /restart(?!\S)")) { try ; leads to having the script re-launching itself as administrator { if A_IsCompiled Run *RunAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%" /restart else Run *RunAs "%A_AhkPath%" /restart "%A_ScriptFullPath%" } ExitApp } #MaxThreadsperHotkey, 2 `::Pause ;--------------------- PAUSE HOTKEY -------------------- ~NumpadMult:: ;----------- FOR TOGGLE KEY ------------------ Previouskey:= !PreviousKey loop { if PreviousKey { sleep, 20 send, {F2} sleep, 40 send, {Click, down} sleep, 20 send, {Click, up} Sleep, 20 send, {F5} sleep, 200 } else break } return !5::Edit !4::Reload Step 3: Run AFK Aruna Gold Room 1.ahk -- This will automatically prompt to Run as Administrator, simply click yes. -- The current script is catered to my specs/ping with EU Proxy server (the lower the number, the faster the spamming). -- Tune it up yourself according to your specs/connection with the server. Step 4: Set up your shortcut keys -- F2 is Lord of Vermillion, and F5 is Teleport. Step 5: Speak with Gold Room NPC & Choose Gold Room #1 -- He's located at @warp veil 142 104 Step 6: Place your mouse in-between your feet. -- This way, wherever you spawn after teleporting, you'll be casting your skill. -- Not moving will also activate the passive effect of our footgear card every 60 seconds. Step 7: Press the [-] or [*] key on your Numpad. -- It's basically a toggle [ON and OFF] button, and the rest is history. You'll be farming nonstop without hold press/pressing anything else. -- Enjoy your afk gold room farming. Credits to Phoenlx#5245 on Discord for the script.
  9. Thank you for this, Zeuss! You're awesome for giving out the floating emp especially when others asks $ for it ahaha!
  10. =====WELCOME TO ARUNAFELTZ GAMING===== =====Here's a guide to our Main Town (Veil) NPCs. ===== As you pass through the inevitable warp portal in order to start your adventure, You'll be greeted by the following NPCs: If you are new, use @request "I'm new to the server, can I please have more freebies to help me start?" GMs that are currently available may provide you with further freebies if they check that you're actually new to the server. ===== After receiving the freebies, you'll then want to go straight further and you'll be greeted by the following NPCs: ===== And walking further ahead, you will be greeted by the following NPCs: ===== And at the centre of the Main Town, here are the following NPCs you might encounter: ===== On the left hand side of the map, you may find the Enchanting System & Quests Shop that may aid you with your adventures. ===== Assuming you're still around this area, when you take SOUTH, these are the following NPCs: ===== And here are the NPCs when you take NORTH from the Quest Shop Area: ===== On the right-hand side of the map, these NPCs will blow your mind away: ===== SOUTH from where you currently are (right-hand side of the map) will have these NPCs: ===== And here are the other NPCs that you may find interesting: If you would like to donate or support the server, here's the GUIDE on how to. ===== Claiming your title for the extra buff in-game, the NPC is located here: ===== Thank you, God bless.
  11. Table Of Contents===== I. Introduction II. Definition of each category (alphabetical order) III. The Actual Guide IV. Tips V. Conclusion VI. Credits I. Introduction===== This guide was organised and compiled by Drak231 (credits at the end). I don't know the person or where he has taken it from, but proper credits should be given. I did not initiate this guide, I'm simply sharing it to the players who actively plays on this server. Also, there is an appendix in alphabetical order to define each section and search what you're looking for. II. Definition of each category (alphabetical order)===== The Actual Guide follows these categories with the following sort order: Category Name - Equipment Type - Alphabetical. Armor Enchantment Cards: cards that enchant armor with a certain elemental property level 1. For instance, if you wore an armor with fire property, you would receive 150% damage from water property, 50% from earth, 25% from fire, 125% from poison, and the rest would stay the same. => http://tinyurl.com/225onw Careful though, most attack from monsters are neutral property attack. Casting Time/Interruption Cards: Cards that affect casting time, after-cast delay or give the ability to cast even when you receive damage. Chance Cards - Item Drop when Killing: Cards that add a chance of dropping a certain item when a mob is killed. Chance Cards - Skill when Attacking: Cards that give a chance of casting a certain skill when attacking. Chance Cards - Skill when Physical/Magical Damage: Cards that give a chance of casting a certain skill when receiving Physical or Magical damage. Chance Cards - Special Status when Attacking: Cards that give a chance of inflicting a certain status effect when attacking. Chance Cards - Special Status when Physical/Magical Damage: Cards that give a chance of inflicting a certain status effect when receiving Physical or Magical damage. Increase Damage Cards: e.g.: increase physical damage/magical damage, ignore DEF/MDEF/size of a monster, splash damage, etc. Increase Damage Cards Based on Monster Property: e.g.: fire. Increase Damage Cards Based on Monster Size: e.g.: small. Increase Damage Cards Based on Monster Type: e.g.: demi-human. Increase Damage Cards - Skill Effectiveness: Increase the damage output of a skill (or healing for white lady). Increase Points - Experience Point Cards: Cards that give more experience depending on the monsters' type. Increase Points - HP Cards: Cards that increase your maximum HP, your HP recovery or your actual HP with a triggered condition. Increase Points - HP/SP Cards: Cards that increase your maximum HP/SP, your HP/SP recovery or your actual HP/SP with a triggered condition. Increase Points - SP Cards: Cards that increase your maximum SP, your SP recovery, your actual SP with a triggered condition or reduce SP consumption of skills. Increase Special Status Resistance Cards: Cards that add resistance of grant protection from a certain status effect. Increase Stats - Agility Stats Cards: Cards that increase your Agility. Increase Stats - Dexterity Stats Cards: Cards that increase your Dexterity. Increase Stats - Intelligence Stats Cards: Cards that increase your Int. Increase Stats - Luck Stats Cards: Cards that increase your Luck. Increase Stats - Strength Stats Cards: Cards that increase your Strength. Increase Stats - Vitality Stats Cards: Cards that increase your Vit. Increase Substats - ATK/MATK Cards: Cards that increase your ATK, MATK or both. Increase Substats - Attack Speed Cards: Cards that increase your Attack Speed. Increase Substats - Critical Attack/Critical Rate Cards: Cards that increase your critical attack damage, critical attack rate or both. Increase Substats - DEF/MDEF Cards: Cards that increase your DEF, MDEF or both. Increase Substats - Flee Rate/Perfect Dodge Cards: Cards that increase your Flee Rate, Perfect Dodge or both. Increase Substats - Hit Cards: Cards that increase your Hit. Job Specific Card Combinations: different combo depending on your class. Miscellaneous Cards: dead branch effect, reduce long range damage, nullify gemstones, nullify magic, decrease SP of enemy. Reduce Damage Cards Based on Monster Property: e.g.: fire. Reduce Damage Cards Based on Monster Size: e.g.: small. Reduce Damage Cards Based on Monster Type: e.g.: demi-human. Reflect Damage Cards: Reflect Magical or Physical Damage. Skill Enable Cards: Cards that give you the ability to use certain skills. III. The Actual Guide===== This is an attempt to group all of the different cards based on what effect they have (for example those which increase damage) regardless of where they are slotted. Note that not all cards are implemented. All the data here was initially derived from RMS [Rate My Server] card definitions and maintained with iro wiki's database. Armor Enchantment Cards Casting Time/Interruption Cards Chance Cards - Item Drop when Killing Chance Cards - Skill when Attacking Chance Cards - Skill when Physical/Magical Damage Chance Cards - Special Status when Attacking Chance Cards - Special Status when Physical/Magical Damage Increase Damage Cards Increase Damage Cards Based on Monster Property Increase Damage Cards Based on Monster Size Increase Damage Cards Based on Monster Type Increase Damage Cards - Skill Effectiveness Increase Points - Experience Point Cards Increase Points - HP Cards Increase Points - SP Cards Increase Special Status Resistance Cards Increase Stats - Agility Stats Cards Increase Stats - Dexterity Stats Cards Increase Stats - Intelligence Stats Cards Increase Stats - Luck Stats Cards Increase Stats - Strength Stats Cards Increase Stats - Vitality Stats Cards Increase Substats - ATK/MATK Cards Increase Substats - Attack Speed Cards Increase Substats - Critical Attack/Critical Rate Cards Increase Substats - DEF/MDEF Cards Increase Substats - Flee Rate/Perfect Dodge Cards Increase Substats - Hit Cards Job Specific Card Combinations Miscellaneous Cards Reduce Damage Cards Based on Monster Property Reduce Damage Cards Based on Monster Size Reduce Damage Cards Based on Monster Type Reflect Damage Cards Skill Enable Cards IV. Tips===== Auto cast card doesn't stack (don't make) silly weapon like +9 Triple injustice/sidewinder elemental sword Players are DemiHuman type. Players with baby suits are considered small (Small, Medium, and Large). Use [Ctrl + F] to find the card/s you are looking for and their definition. V. Conclusion===== The Staff can freely edit my post (following the format) to include their modified cards and whatnot. Any changes to be made or mistakes within the post, please notify me via Discord: Salvacion#0001 or here. Other than that, I always revert back to RMS (but it's hectic, hence this guide post) and Arunafeltz Wikipedia for further details, especially modified cards exclusively for the server. VI. Credits===== Drak231
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